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Help us improve our services! Fill out the feedback form to give us your opinions and suggestions. We value every customer's contribution to create a better experience at Edu Pluss . Thank you!

Thanks for participating in our event!
Let us know what you think.
How satisfied were you with the event?
Very dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedQuite satisfiedSatisfiedVery pleased
How relevant was it for you?
No, not at allQuite relevantRelevantVery relevantHighly relevant
How convenient was the place and time?
No, not at allQuite convenientConvenientVery comfortableExtremely comfortable
How do you assess the skills and professionalism of the instructor?
UnsatisfactorySatisfactoryGoodVery goodExcellent
What was the best part of the course?
Would you recommend this course to your friends or colleagues?

Thank you for your feedback!

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